
A Basic Premise 
   If I correctly understand the basic premise of the atheist position it is that; the physical world is the total of our reality and that all truth is subject to the law of scientific inquiry. True?
    If I understand the basic premise of the theist position (limit here to Biblical model) it is that; our physical world originated from a spiritual creator and this creator is not subject to proof by law of scientific inquiry. True?
  Given the differences in these basic premises is there any common ground for discussion at all? My personal conclusion is that I can never prove anything to an atheist, but only possibly convince him to reconsider his basic premise. Of course he would also like to persuade me that my basic premise is faulty. It appears that our most likely common ground is that which is right in front of us-nature. 

Rational, reasonable, hyper-rational?
   People want proof! Our age of reason insists that man can know and prove everything. Man believes that knowledge is the key to our evolutionary process and liberation. I will call this hyper-rational. It is not truly rational or reasonable to esteem man’s capacity for “unlimited” knowledge to this level. Humility is to admit that tomorrow’s knowledge is greater than today’s, that we do not know everything, nor can we. Tomorrow science could possibly discover the spiritual world.  
   Has our hyper-rational culture screwed the lid of life on so tight that we are in bondage to knowledge? Look at so many cultures of the world where spirituality is not repulsive. Most of Asia doesn’t even separate government from religion (Japan). Many cultures would consider our denial of spirituality like amputating a leg. Is our age of reason really so wonderful if it just makes our head fat but our hearts sick? Knowledge is truly a great gift. So I choose to give thanks to the giver of knowledge.

A question for the heart.
   Imagine your most favorite thing in the world, whatever you love the most; a best friend, sport, nature, whatever. Now imagine that if there were a creator/artist behind this beauty, would you want to acknowledge it? Would you want to know the artist behind the art if you could? Could you see the beauty behind the beauty? A simple yes or no will do.
    I believe (based on observation) that most of the big decisions of life are made from the heart not from the head. We really make choices from our desires and then seek mental reasons to justify it. Few of us are really like Mr. Spock or Data of Star Trek. It’s a hard question but to be fair it should be asked of religions as well; would you want to know if your religion is false? Or if there were no creator would I want to know that?

I looked on the mountain for truth,
in the cracks, on the peaks.
I looked in schools and books
 until my head hurt.
I cried like a poet seeking truth.
 A taste, a nibble, an aroma of truth
is all I could find, damn my mind.
Then wisdom spoke,
 to me, she cried, she felt, she loved,
she healed, and she gave birth.
She bowed her head and surrendered
her life on the bloody tree
                           for me.         (Poverbs 8-9)